Flying was used to torture criminals, witches and captured soldiers. The victims arms were tide over his head and his legs also tide up making the victim impossible to move. The torturer will hold a small sharp knife and use it to peel the victims skin. This was done slowly to maximize pain. the torturer would start from the top (the facial skin) first and work his way down to the legs. Most victims died before reaching the waist.

In one version of the Flaying Torture, the victim's arms were tied to a pole above his head while his feet were tied below. His body was now completely exposed and the torturer, with the help of a small knife, peeled off the victim's skin slowly. There were different methods of flaying. In most cases, the torturer peeled off his facial skin first, slowly working his way down to the victim's feet. Most victims died before the torturer even reached their waist. other methods needed the victim to stay in sun until his skin became red and then they would pill it. Other method was boiling the victim alive then peeling his skin of. 

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